The full Annual Report is now available for download here.
2020-21 Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Inc. Annual Report
It is my pleasure to provide this report on the status and progress of the Lions Cancer Institute Inc. over the preceding 12 months July 2020 to June 2021.
Skin Cancer Screening
The Lions Cancer Institute Inc. commenced its screening program in 1990 and has conducted free skin cancer screenings continuously, operating as the Lions Cancer Institute Inc. It has screened in the order of 83,000 people in that time, all over Western Australia. The program did have some delays because of Covid 19, however due to the excellent roster planning work by Screening Events Manager Lion John Osborne, 37 locations were included on the revised roster for this report period.
Owing to the support of the Western Australian Chapter of Dermatology and several GPs combined with our fully trained Dermoscopists and Nurses under the leadership of Medical Director Robert Fitzpatrick, it is very pleasing that we have an increased number of screeners available this year.
The Institute joined with the Victorian and South Australian/Northern Territory Skin Screening Projects at the Lions M D Convention in Canberra. We were very fortunate to engage the well-known television and media personality Deborah Hutton to speak in support of Lions Skin Cancer Screening projects at convention, which we hope will encourage participation of all Lion Districts. The new V Districts truck / van screening unit was shown to conventioneers, with the intent of encouraging the Q, N and T Districts to get the free skin screening project going in their States.
Equipment replacement
During the year an invitation was sent to all Clubs in WA to pledge a yearly donation for three years to provide base funding to replace our aging unit. The coach is old and becoming expensive to keep on the road, plus a new unit will incorporate much needed disabled access features and will be a safer, reliable, and comfortable platform for the next 15 plus years. I thank those Clubs that have been able to pledge for their generous support.
The Institute is continuing to support through the Karen & Joshua Chinnery Scholarship, two PhD students attending Curtin University. Jade Newton is part funded by the scholarship for a further year. Lelinh Duong has complete her studies this year, and new student Hannah Newness was selected for top up funding support for two years. Medical Director Rob Fitzpatrick will maintain contact with them during their time under the scholarships.
The Lions-Lotus PhD Scholarship, fully funded by The Lions Cancer Institute is based in the Curtin Health Innovation Research Institute (CHIRI), at Curtin University. Nathan Main was selected and did commence a three-and-a-half-year course from August 2020 in the study of prevention and treatment of liver cancer. This association with Curtin means Lions Clubs in WA will now be able to visit the CHIRI by appointment and see firsthand the work being undertaken by researchers.
Institute Management
Throughout this annual report you will also read reports from our Treasurer Lion Robert Garratt, PR & Business Development Director PDG Garry Irvine, Screening Events Manager Lion John Osborne, Medical Director Rob Fitzpatrick FRCS, FRACS -Plastic Surgeon (Retired), Finance and Administration Advisor PDG Neil Saunders and our current PhD students.
The Institute is well served by a Board consisting of Lions Club members and willing Volunteers, both in the administration of the Institute and on our skin cancer screening events throughout the State of Western Australia. To you all I offer my sincere thanks for your dedicated involvement.
■ Lion Phil Chinnery—Chairman
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