I want to host a screening event
2024 Board of Directors
Executive Directors

Michael Wainwright

Christine Walker
Vice Chairman

PDG Garry Irvine
Director Aus. & NZ Liaison

Lion Robert Garratt

Bill Crosthwaite

Lion John Osborne
Screening Operations Manager

Dr Alan Wright
Medical Director

Lion Phil Chinnery
Business Development & Public Relations
Elected Members
Michael Wainwright | Chairman |
Christine Walker | Vice Chairman |
Lion John Osborne | Director Screening Operations Manager |
Lion Phil Chinnery | Business Development & Public Relations |
Lion Graham Bateman | Director |
Lion Hans Hoette | Director |
Jim Foster | Director |
Lion Gail Jenkins | Elected |
Appointed Members
Dr Alan Wright | Chair Medical & Scientific Advisory Committee |
Lion Robert Garratt | Treasurer / OH&S Officer |
William (Bill) Crosthwaite | Secretary |
PDG Garry Irvine | Director Aus. & NZ Liaison |
PDG Neil F. Saunders | Finance & Administration Advisor |
Ms Kylie Laverty | Ass. Medical Director |
Rob Fitzpatrick | Medical Advisor |
Ex-Officio Members
DG Tim Moore | District Governor 201W1 |
DG Peter Kenneday | District Governor 201W2 |
VDG Roslyn Barnes | 2nd VDG District 201W1 |
VDG Tom Oversby | 2nd VDG District 201W2 |
Skin Damage
Skin damage can not be reversed: only further damage can be prevented.
Melanoma lesions
They can be any colour, Red, White, Blue, Grey or a combination of colours and most start flat.
There is no age limit
The life time risk factors for 20-40 year old in Australia is 1 in 18.