Charitable Status
The Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Inc. is a “Not for Profit” medical research institution.
The Institute holds an Endorsement from the Australian Tax Office as an income tax exempt charitable entity (ITEC) and is a deductable gift recipient (DGR).
Our ABN is 26 521 960 054.
The Institute is a Registered Charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission. (ACNC).
The Institute was Incorporated on the 25th January 1991
The Institute holds a licence issued under the provisions of the Charitable Collections Act (WA). Licence # CC20082.
Auditor/Accountant is Dharam Ghandis, Auditax Accountants, North Perth WA.
Institute web site: www.lionscancerinstitute.org.au
Skin Damage
Skin damage can not be reversed: only further damage can be prevented.
Melanoma lesions
They can be any colour, Red, White, Blue, Grey or a combination of colours and most start flat.
There is no age limit
The life time risk factors for 20-40 year old in Australia is 1 in 18.

We rely on your help & generosity to keep our Mobile Free Screening on the roads.
On a regular basis or as a one-off, your donation will help us saving lives in your community through screening and research.