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Health & Awareness

Cancer Day

By Health & Awareness

2/3rds – could that be me??

It is a simple fact that two out of three Australians will be treated for skin cancer by the time they reach 70 and the Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Inc. is doing its very best to address that statistic with our FREE skin cancer screenings throughout the State.

As we know early detection is the key to the treatment of suspect lesions so on many occasions we have been able to refer regional patients to their local General Practitioner when they otherwise may not have sought an opportunity to arrange a Dr’s appointment for themselves to be screened.

Since early 1990 the Mobile Units have travelled the State providing this free service and we plan to continue to do so, in particular to those regional communities where such service might not exist or may  be many miles away.

The service is provided by volunteer professionals and Lions Club members and funding is from businesses that donate towards the BIG DAY OUT ANNUAL EVENT for Kids with special needs and from various Lions Clubs in WA and public donations.

In association with Curtin University the Institute provides research funding to selected students in the field of liver and other forms of cancer.

For us to plan for our future we have made a commitment to upgrade our Screening Coach to enable this important service to continue and we seek expressions of interest from resources which might assist us in meeting that commitment. To supply and fit out a replacement in the short term for our existing and ageing coach is a huge financial challenge so we seek all the help we can to bring the plan to a reality.

We also welcome participation from Skin Cancer Specialists, General Practitioners and like Professionals who may be happy to give us a little of their time plus enjoy some fun as we travel the State.

Our website has information around our History and what we do in our attempt to highlight the need for providing this life saving service, if you can help we would welcome you participation.

You can send your contribution

By Bank transfer
Westpac Bank
BSB 036081 ACC 183738

By Pay ID
ABN 26 521 960 054
Lions Cancer Institute (WA) Inc.
PO BOX # 2195
Mandurah DC, WA 6210

Through our CBH Grower Account
Lions Cancer Institue Inc

2/3 of people in Australia will be treated for skin cancer by the time they are 70

Robert Fitzpatrick FRCS, FRACS